Thinking Out Loud Thursday: Confessions

No fancy intro today, just some recent confessions. And as always on Thursdays… I’m thinking up with the beautiful Amanda for some Thinking Out Loud.


20140702-204925-74965907.jpgconfession… Tuesday morning I woke up with a huge cancer sore. I’m not exactly sure why I’m putting this picture on the internet but I think that it is really important for bloggers to “keep it real”. We have a tendency to talk about the best parts of our days and all the happy things in our lives but we have ups and downs like everyone else, and this mark on my face is definitely a down this 2 (20)

confession… For the past few weeks I’ve been addicted to this stupid game called Candy Mania. Henri downloaded it for the flight home from vacation back in June and I’ve been hooked ever since (whenever he downloads an app on his phone it automatically downloads on mine too). I gave myself until the end of this week and then I am deleting it! Basically I’m putting this out there for you all so that I have to stick to it come Friday night! hahaphoto 1 (1)confession… I think I am going through caffeine withdrawals! I’ve never been much of a coffee drinker but when we went on vacation in June I got in the habit of having a cup of coffee every morning and I’ve kept up the habit for the past month. It’s been so hot this week that coffee just hasn’t sounded appealing so I haven’t had any and I am getting some pretty bad headaches. I think it might be time to cut back on the caffeine for, 1-2 cups a week is just fine by me! photo 1 (19)

confession… Sometimes I really miss California. I miss my old job, my co-workers, my running buddies, Henri’s family, being so close to the beach, the running trails I used to go to on a weekly basis, and all the amazing restaurants we could WALK TO from our apartment! Don’t get me wrong, I love that we made the move and are getting the chance to experience New England (especially since Henri has never lived here before), but it’s hard leaving someplace that you have called your home for 6 years!


It’s been wayyyy too long since we’ve seen these faces!

confession… I miss the summers of high school and college. My younger sisters get to spend most of their days by the pool and hanging out with friends, and I’m just sitting in my office all day. Not cool. It doesn’t help much that Henri is wicked busy at work and both of us had to work past 8 last night. Sometimes being an adult stinks!

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I just wanna spend my days by the pool!

Do you get addicted to iPhone games? If so, what is your current obsession??

Tell me one of your recent confessions!

11 thoughts on “Thinking Out Loud Thursday: Confessions

  1. I miss college summers too! I often think about how I really took them for granted! I just want to spend time at the pool all day too. Wouldn’t it be great if the work week automatically went down to only 3 or 4 days during the summer? A girl can dream! 😉

  2. There are certainly days where I miss California, my family, the comfort of it all. I also miss the days where I didn’t have to sit in one place Even now my back is already killing me, but I guess that’s like of an adult. Have a good weekend!

  3. Oh iphone game addictions are the worst! I went through a crazy phase with bejeweled back in the day. I had to play…!! Now I have Candy Crush but the 5 lives keep the addiction to a minimum. Good luck with your game. May the odds be ever in your favor 🙂

  4. That’s how I felt about Baltimore when I left- I missed it because I missed my life and friends there but I loved coming home to New England. It’s kind of cool to have 2 homes though! Also way too excited for this weekend… just saying 🙂

  5. words with friends is my only phone game addiction 🙂
    I know what you mean about summer not being as fun as an adult. I left teaching for about 5 years, but came back to it 2 years ago, because I really missed the schedule! haha

  6. Oh girl… I definitely feel you on the game addictions. I downloaded Farmville on a whim and didn’t think I’d even like it. 1 month later and I’m completely obsessed. Ugh. How does this keep happening to me?! I went through the same thing last year with Candy Crush. Le sigh. You’re a lot braver than I am, though — I honestly couldn’t imagine deleting mine!

  7. I don’t think I ever realized how good I had it in high school when I got to spend the whole summer at the pool and beach! Even in college I worked a weird work schedule in the summers so I usually got some pool time. You’re right- sometimes being an adult stinks!

  8. I just wanted to say…California misses you too! Please let me know when you’re planning a trip out here again 🙂

  9. Pingback: Thinking out loud Thursdays {Link Up} | getfithappyhealthy

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