My Sister’s Good News! (Plus missing home and snow)

Okay, so I have to brag on my baby sister, Melissa, for a second. She is a senior in high school this year, and I got a very exciting call from her last night…

SHE GOT HER FIRST COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE LETTER, from the University of Louisville!

Me and Melissa on vacation in Carmel last summer!

Me and Melissa on vacation last summer… basically she is my clone/twin (just 6 years younger).

I am so proud of her! I remember the excitement of getting my first acceptance letter, and even though it wasn’t from the school I eventually chose to go to it is a day I know I will remember for the rest of my life!

It feels like just the other day, I was leaving home for college and Melissa was still in middle school! (Confession: The first time I ever cried from homesickness, IN MY LIFE, was when Melissa sent me a picture of her post-braces smile! I don’t know what it was about her getting her braces off that got to me, but all I can remember think of that point was that she was growing up without me there and I was missing out on so much!) I can’t believe that in less than a year she will be starting her freshman year of college! GO Melissa!

In other news, it has been ridiculously hot for November here. 85 degrees is not what I want to see on my dashboard while I’m driving home from work! Especially when all I want in November is some crisp New England fall weather!

photoEven though there are a lot of things that I love about living in Southern California, during the fall and winter months I really miss the seasons that I grew up with in Boston. I love cold weather, fireplaces, sweaters, hot chocolate, and snow!

I even love running in the snow!

1906_1041385875004_9722_nYes, that is an icicle that formed in my eye lashes during a run!

The other day my friend from back home posted this status on Facebook… yes, in November!

photoEven though it made me a little homesick (and, yes, a little jealous) reading this, it also got me really excited for the time that Henri and I will get to spend back home with my family for Christmas and New Years! I really hope I get to go on some snowy runs!

Last night, we pretended it was cold and had some homemade soup and grilled cheeses for dinner! Very tasty, even if I was sweating by the time dinner was over! 🙂

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Do you live near where you grew up? If not, what do you miss most about home?

Do you like running in the snow?

What was the first college you got an acceptance letter from?

2 thoughts on “My Sister’s Good News! (Plus missing home and snow)

  1. Aw congrats to your sister! I still remember my first acceptance letter, the college i’m at now, and the one I had no intention of going to initially. I can’t imagine it being 85 degrees right now. It’s in the mid thirties here and I’d kill for some warm sun! I don’t think I’d ever be able to leave New England though. I love the seasons too much and it’s what I look forward to most every break. I ran last winter and came back with ice on my face from the sweat. It was really cute and I totally freaked me mom out. I don’t think she’ll let me run when it’s -4 degrees out. Ever. Again.

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